Sunday, August 8, 2010

Why MW2 Multiplayer is FUCKING awful and I hate it:

1. Getting stabbed through a wall...made of bricks.  Well done there.

2. "Quick-scoping." The term itself makes me want to kill a 12 year old.  Also, he missed.

3. He wasn't even there!  What!?  WHAT!?

4. Countless glitches and mods and other crap.  Here's a good(shitty) one.  And anyone who uses a song like this in a video game video...anyone who MAKES a video game video is not someone I want to associate with.

5. Ah, yes. The ill-timed "host migration" boot from the game.  A final "fuck you" to reward you for all your hard work searching and destroying.

In summary, Modern Warfare 2 is a "wasteland"(pun intended...if that is a pun) of unbalanced, unstable, unfair 12 year old cheating twats with nothing to look forward to except their blue tiger camo for their NON-EXISTENT assault rifle.  Please prestige again so we can place your name amongst the greatest of Americans and so future generations may look to you in awe and say, "What a shithead."

I've been playing Battlefield: Bad Company 2 a lot lately and I have to say, I die more often than not.  My kill/death ratio (yes I feel like a douche for even saying that) is 0.59 or something god awful like that.  But I've never been stabbed through a wall in that game, so I don't really give a shit.  You can't stab through walls in Battlefield.  If you want to stab someone on the other side of the wall, you have to BLOW THE FUCKING WALL UP.  And, unlike MW2, you can!  It's that simple.  When I get killed in Battlefield, I don't have the urge to smash my TV to pieces or shatter my own skull with the controller.  So thanks for that, Battlefield.  Thanks for making a FUN, fair game with no perks or killstreaks or other crap.  And one final note: no one ever sent me an angry voice message on Battlefield saying I was a "camping faggot bitch!"  And "all I do is sit in the corner and camp like a fag!"  A little redundant there, sir.  You already called me a camping fag.

The only thing I like about MW2 is the riot shield, scavenger, and C4.  Only because it annoys the kiddies beyond belief.  And it's really the only revenge I'll ever have against those little bastards.